Wednesday, September 29, 2010

WFMW: Journaling for Our Children

It is so nice to know the things I try to teach Natalie do get through sometimes, at least the most important things.

As we were leaving for church one night last week, I looked up at the sky in which the sun was setting. It was a beautiful sight, pink and orange stripes ran across the sky from the horizon. I said, "Look at the pretty sky, Natalie!" and then she looked up and exclaimed, "Jesus painted the sky!"


A few weeks ago Natalie had her blood pressure taken for the first time at the doctor's office. She did not like it, and now asks if she has to do that everytime we go to the doctor's....

Well as we went out to the car on our way to church a different night last week, I was holding Natalie's hand in the parking lot of our building. I gave her hand a little squeeze, and in a silly but curious way she asks, "Mommy, are you taking my hand pressure?"


While I love sharing these funny and cute moments with everyone out in the bloggy world, I have decided to start a journal for each of my children- though Zachary isn't talking quite yet. I will record all the funny things they say and do, so not only I can look back on them when I need a laugh, but also so they can have a treasured keepsake someday to share with their own kids as they too discover the joys of parenting a child who speaks their mind- however silly or goofy the thoughts may be!! I already bought the cutest little journal for Natalie's cute words!

This works for us! How do you record these treasures for your own children?


And if you are a sentimental sap like me and love that idea- you just may love recording your youth with Janna over at Mommy's Piggy Tales beginning October 7th! It will be a 12 week session (though you may write as often or not as you choose), and each week we will be sharing memories from a different age inour lives! Just think about having your story written out to share with your children and children's children!! What a great way to leave a legacy!! Check out one of my posts from the last session.

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family and



  1. I have a journal for each of my daughters, and my plan was to write letters to them. I've only written a couple of letters to each, and I should really write in them more often!

  2. I also have a journal for Hannah, but I feel bad I haven't started one for Brian yet. These will be precious gifts to have as they get older.

  3. I kept journals for all four of my children. One day, I just sat there and wrote down everything my daughter was saying. She wasn't in the same room as me, but talking to her toys (I think) so it was very candid and charming. Sometimes I love to go back and read the journals (I ended them on 9/11 just to have a record of where they were at that time in history) and just marvel that the little boy who sang to his cars is now a 27-year-old computer programmer and his 'little' brothers are both taller than my husband and me! Time flies...thank heaven for journalling!

  4. That is a great idea, I am sure they will love and cherish those journals. It is so hard to remember all of the cute little things they say. When it's still day time Z will say that the sun is happy or "it's not dark out because the sun is still happy." So I asked him if the moon was happy and he said no. When I asked why he said "the moon is sad because he has to go night night."

  5. Oh, this is such a great idea! A friend of mine does this as well. I'd like to do a "things you say" journal to record funny/amazing things that the kids say when they start talking. (Would like to do separate ones for each kid.) I do have another blog though - Letters for Levi. I wrote him letters when he was in the womb and now I write a monthly letter to him there. I record milestones and include some of the best photos from that month and sometimes include video clips from that month. It's for him to read one day, but also for me... to help me remember.

  6. Thanks for the mention girlfriend!


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