Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday: It's YOUR Turn!!

I am thankful for my readers! The blog world is still fairly new to me, but I still get excited to know others are reading and interested in what I write! I deeply miss school for the opportunity to be challenged with a variety of essays to write on anything from history, such as Was the nuclear attack on Hiroshima necessary?, to classic fiction, analyze the topic or pride in Pride and Prejudice. Yes, those were actual essays I wrote in school and still have tucked away somewhere. I had always felt a sense of accomplishment when the teacher would add to the assignment the opportunity/requirement to read or discuss the topic for the class. I just don't think I was as motivated to write not thinking others would be reading my words. Even in my poetry, I longed to share it with friends and to get feedback for what I had written.
So today you are the star! Your comments and feedback to me are appreciated mightily! After all you make it all worthwhile for me to write! You are the one who takes the time to browse and read my many thoughts, and sometimes even tell me your own! So THANK YOU!!


  1. Thanks so much for your comment! :)

    "Wow! I don't think I have even known moms with C-sections having so many problems with the recovery! You will be in my prayers!"

    Thank you so much for the prayers, I really appreciate it! :)

    "Isn't refreshing though to know God will never allow trials beyond what we can handle? For my own, I like to think He knows I am that strong, and thats why He has allowed it to happen to me, and then I feel glad about it!"

    Yes, it is. I have been struggling with why God is allowing this, but at the same time I know he has used it to draw me closer to Him and to depend only on Him to get me through.

    "And its so wonderful to have a supportive husband through it all as well, mine was the same way after my babies, much more concerned about me and my recovery then any lack of sleep on his part (and mine is a 'Jon' too)!"

    Aww yeah, I just love my husband he has been so great! Glad yours was too! That is funny that your husband is Jon too! Mine is actually Jonathan, but not many people call him that!

    "I know what you mean about the epidurals too, I feel like I am alone among my friends who didn't go natural, but I am such a wimp I highly doubted I could without! It was bad enough I could feel them putting the stitches in with my daughter because it had worn off, I couldn't stand to feel it all!"

    Yeah, I am a wimp as well lol. I think people are different and you shouldn't be thought of as bad if you want to get an epidural!

    "Well congrats on your new little guy!"

    Thank you so much! Love your blog too!! :)

  2. LOL! I assumed it was short for Jonathan, thats my husbands name too though I am pretty much the only one who actually calls him that. Everyone else just thinks he is a 'John'!


I enjoy hearing what you think about this!
Thank you so much for sharing!
