Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: I WANT This!!

This is my list of the things in my Amazon cart. I am a regular online shopper at Amazon because it is one of the few places I can count on for a wide range of 'stuff' that will ship to me all the way out here in Guam, without charging an arm and a leg! I also think they have very competitive prices on most items. I seem to place an order at least once a month, and that is actually scaled back as I work on my self control as an admitted shopaholic. Mind you this list is all thing I want, not to be confused with my needs. Nothing on this list is something I can't do without, therefore it stays in my cart until I feel we can spare the extra money after we have given our tithe at church, bills have been paid, and money saved. I actually have about 60 items currently 'saved for later'. And I routinely go through and clear the items as I change my extremely indecisive mind about certain things!

1. The Power of Words and The Wonder of God by John Piper. Of course there are a number of books in my cart, as you learned of my love of books beyond what I can read, last week! This one is not one that was recommended to me but rather something I stumbled across online and found the synopsis intriguing. It speaks about the significance words actually play in our history- think about it, God created the world with His words, and so much power even today, our words have for good or evil purposes. This book discusses the importance, as Christians specifically, that our words have. As a writer, I know the power of words, so I am anxious to buy this book and read the words within it! *I have never heard of or know anything about the author or his religious affiliations, so as with anything I am unfamiliar with, I always double check any claim that is made to be biblical in the ultimate book- the Bible, as I encourage everyone to always do!!*

2. Peggle Dual Shot is a game for my Nintendo DS. Though I haven't played it in quite a while, I have been on a hunt to find a new game that I might enjoy. After all, Jon did spend quite a bit on this Christmas gift for it to be collecting dust. This game I also thought may be something simple enough Natalie could try sometime, like on our flight home in November. She isn't at the point that she cares about winning, she just enjoys pushing the buttons and seeing a reaction on the little screen.

3. The Lightlings by R. C. Sproul is a children's book, and I am always searching for good children's books. I used to buy them even before I had any kids of my own! I look for ones with colorful, fun, and beautiful illustrations and pages with not too many words but also not too few. Something entertaining but also educational in some way whether it teaches honesty or kindness or about science or math. And if I find one with a biblical lesson it is one I just must buy! This book in particular, has beautiful illustrations and a story to teach biblical redemption to children. It even has a question and answer section for parents along with scriptures. *I have not read this book, these are merely the reason I would like to get it based on the few pages I have viewed and the synopsis given.*

4. Here Comes Peter Cottontail DVD. Yes I am aware it is no where near Easter time! This is one of those finds I keep putting off, but I do truly want it for the kids. It is one I remember from my own childhood, and though I realize it is not a lesson on the true reason we celebrate Easter and its meaning, we are sure to share the story of Jesus regularly even when it is not Easter time. We do give them an Easter basket each year, (as well as Christmas gifts) but we tell them those gifts are from Mommy & Daddy. And we talk about the ultimate gift of Jesus sacrifice (and birth).

5. Yedi Houseware Heart Teacups & Saucers, I absolutely love these cups and I can't wait to have a tea party with them. They also have espresso sized ones, and I would like to purchase both sets and do a mother daughter tea party for some of my closest friends sometime. I am a party planner, and I can come up with any excuse to get together for good food, good fun and good fellowship!

6. Speedo Swim Suit, I am so tired of my hot pink swim suit that I have had since I was first pregnant with my daughter. It isn't maternity or anything I just remember having it then. I have gotten a new one since, only to realize I can't stand how low cut it is and I feel like I may as well walk around in just my bra for all it shows, despite the fact it is actually a 'tankini'. My next one will be this suit, which is high cut on top and a one piece which I prefer anyway. After all I don't want to get into it when my daughter wonders why I can wear a two piece and she isn't allowed to. That's just one battle I would rather avoid and modesty is something better taught by example.

7. Monkey Crib Sheet When I thought about what I wanted to do for Zachary's big boy, toddler bedroom, I thought of the blankets we used to swaddle him in. They didn't have monkeys on them, but they were either soft green or blue with brown dots or circles. I also thought about how I liked this mod monkey 2nd birthday party set from Birthday Express, and was inspired by the monkeys with the colors. You see Natalie's room is ladybugs and we followed by having a ladybug themed 2nd birthday, and getting pictures of her as a ladybug to go on her walls. So I will do the same with Zachary. He will be my little monkey! Unfortunately I haven't found a bedding set I particularly liked so I will be making a blanket or two with the colors and patterns of monkeys I want and I just need a monkey sheet to match (as well as some solid colored ones and patterns he has now that match).

8. Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God by Susan and Richie Hunt. I have been searching for a good devotional book to read to Natalie each night before bed. This one just sounds and looks like what I am hoping for. It claims to have an easy to read story format and will teach the basics of Christian faith to a Baby to Preschool aged child. Hopefully soon we will be able to even get Zachary to sit and listen. We have been reading to Natalie before bed since she was an young baby, but Zachary will never sit in our laps long enough to let us finish even a page! He just tries to grab and play with the book, while Natalie would simply use the time to relax with mommy or daddy before bed. Interesting how different each child is!

9. Hamilton Beach Set 'n Forget 6 qt Slow Cooker, Jon and I used to have a tiny one but we got rid of it because none of the recipes ever called for one so small! Now though I am yearning for one again, a bigger fancier one this time. I have not always been good about making dinner regularly, but as I strive for that I believe a slow cooker I can prepare ahead of time would help me in that. I enjoy soups, stews and casseroles which I think would all be easily made in a crock pot. An added bonus, this one has a meat thermometer that goes into the meat and can be set to cook until it reaches the desired temperature. And it has clamps to hold the lid on for easy travel! A huge bonus for going to pot lucks or fiestas at church! Another wish list item is a bread maker, but I haven't come close to figuring out which one I want!

10. The Pursuit of Holiness by Gerald and Jerry Bridges. This book helps Christians to understand how we can try to live more holy lives. It discusses what we should be relying on God for, but also what we need to take responsibility for ourselves. What I guess I take that to mean is like the question I have heard asked many times before- If I wear a seat belt, am I really trusting God to keep me safe? Now that specific question is just an example, and I find the meaning to actually be a bit simpler in the fact that obeying God also involves obeying the law, and it is the law to wear your seat belt. Ultimately I feel it is should always be part of my life to further pursue a closer relationship to God, and if this book offers any tips, or if God convicts me while reading it, then it is worth the time to read. *I have never heard of or know anything about the author or his religious affiliations, so as with anything I am unfamiliar with, I always double check any claim that is made to be biblical in the ultimate book- the Bible, as I encourage everyone to always do!!*

Well that is my shopping cart on Amazon right now. It changes regularly as I am super indecisive as well as frugal. Bet you never thought you would meet a cheap shopaholic, did you? Well that's me to a tee! Shopping and I have a love-hate relationship, I love to buy new stuff, but I hate to spend the money!! I am learning though to be more balanced. Its a gradual process.

This post is linked to Top Ten {Tuesday}


  1. I LOVE the monkey sheets! We have some cute beige and brown jungle sheets with monkeys from Babies R Us. I think they were Mod Pod, but they may be discontinued.

  2. Love my amazon wish lists! I have about 4 or 5 in different categories! So, I hear you on the one-day-list!

    All the books sound great and you just can't go wrong with a big old crock pot! :)

  3. The slow cooker is a MUST!
    I love the tea cups, too. Tea cups are dear to my heart.

  4. Great list!
    Don't forget that you're invited to Of Such is the Kingdom's first birthday blog bash! We're digging up old posts and giving out tons of prizes. Come on over!


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