Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter...So It Begins!

After pulling into church Sunday morning and unloading our little family from the car, I began to walk my daughter in the direction of her Sunday school class. Before getting to far we ran into her friend Joel who was tugging on his dad as they waited to find out if this was the Sunday for class promotions.
Natalie was excited to see Joel, it seems the week she has been feeling deprived of social interaction.

Walking up and standing in front of Joel, Natalie held the sides of her skirt in her hands and swinging just a little from side to side, she says "So Joel, how do I look?"

It was just priceless! Especially as it reminded me of the way I ask Jon each Sunday morning what he thinks of any outfits I have put together, no matter how often in the past I have worn it. She certainly is taking after mommy!!

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  1. This is a wonderful post, Crystal.
    It also reminds me I should send you some pictures of Natalie and Joel.
    I will email them to you.

  2. I enjoyed reading this last night. Natalie and Joel are my two favorite "four year olds". Jason and Phan are recording some of Joel's humorous "sayings". Several were added while we were there. Sorry we didn't get to say a proper "Goodbye" to you guys. We certainly have enjoyed the fellowship with your family while we were on Guam. It will be good to see you on Facebook. God bless you! (Please greet Jon and Natalie for me!)

  3. So cute! This reminds me that I no longer ask the hubby if I am f-a-t because I don't want her hearing that :)
    First time visiting.

  4. how sweet. i love hearing my girls say things like that :)

  5. So cute and sweet! Little girls are precious.

    Happy TTT!


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