Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Past Posts

Well, it was just recently I marked my 100th post!! Now I want to take a look back at some of those posts! Please check them out, and share which post of mine is your own favorite (it can be any of them, you are not limited to these 10).

1. My first post: This was my basic introduction and why I was starting my blog. My original title for my blog was "Cherishing Life's Little Blessings" but I honestly felt it was such a mouthful and just didn't quite hit the mark I was hoping for myself. I don't know if it's any less of a mouthful to say Crystalized Reflections, but I am much happier with this title!

2. A post I enjoyed writing the most: Wow, what a tough one! I enjoy writing almost all of my posts! I especially love sharing my memories in each of my Mommy's Piggy Tales posts, I can't believe we are already into the junior high years! Almost done with this session! But more then that I feel encouraged myself when God lays something on my heart to share, so for my favorite post, I am going to go with It's Not Enough. I think we all need to keep that in mind as we can easily get into a routine and sometimes it can become ONLY that, a routine, instead of your life, His life.

3. A post which led to a great discussion: I don't really think any have led to a 'great discussion'. But one I had hoped to get more discussion out of was about the Mystery Elmo.

4. A post on someone else's blog you wish you'd written: There are so many I have read and wished I had thought of that! This one in particular, because I love how Charissa from Everyday Adventures compares the trials in life to not only a 'room' in a house, but to a dentist office. I truly and passionately despise going to the dentist (as I am sure I am not alone in this), but what an amazing comparison that just hits the nail right on the head! So check out Charissa's post God's Most Beautifully Decorated Room.

5. Your most helpful post: This is the post I hope has been most helpful, not sure how to determine what everyone else has found most helpful. It's actually a 2 part post, beginning in A Victim's Story, and ending in From Victim to Victor.

6. A post with a title that I'm proud of: Introducing, Natalie, The Naive Jester. These are a few of my favorite 'kids say the darnedest things' moments with Natalie.

7. A post you wish more people had read: You just can't reason with a wasp! I had fun writing this one! It was amazing to me the revelation I had in realizing that the wasp was not out to get me!!

8. A post with no words: So very many of my two beautiful children- but I just love the spunkiness my daughter is radiating in this particular wordless post.

9. A post you never published: More then I could name! I recently went through and 'cleaned house', and went from about 60 drafts to 20 that actually felt I could get to sometime! One in the works though that I WILL finish one of these days, is about deployments, and what I have and can learn from them.

10. Reader's favorite post (based on comments): This was one of my Mommy's Piggy Tales posts about my childhood. In this post I shared about the year one of my sisters was born and also the year my cousin and grandfather passed away within weeks of each other.

Which of my posts have you most enjoyed reading? Please tell me, I would love some reader feedback!! I want to make a 'best of me' page, but since I am biased and I like to think all my posts are the 'best of me', I need your help, so tell me which posts, as my readers, you think I should include in the 'best of me'. Thanks!!

This post is linked to Top Ten {Tuesday}


  1. Oh, I love these types of posts. I read the wasp post!

  2. Congrats on reaching 100! I always enjoy your top 10 posts. I admire your ability to share your victim to victor story. I'm sure it will help many people.

  3. Yay! 100 posts! And I love that you did the #7links...well, the 10 anyway. So fun to get to know you more! :)

  4. Congrats on your 100th post! :D


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